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Studying for the ASVAB

Studying for the ASVAB

Studying for The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) entrance exam can make a huge difference in the position you’ll receive, upon joining the armed services.  The ASVAB is just one of many military tests that are designed to gauge your mental abilities and health.

The ASVAB exam consists of various sections that must be completed within certain time periods.  The ASVAB is not considered as an intelligence test, rather it is used to test gauge your capabilities in certain areas of interest.

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Once  a section is complete you are not able to go back and make corrections, so it is important to be accurate when answering the questions.

There are two versions of the ASVAB currently in use.  One is done with pen and paper, the other is done on a computer.  The computer version is called the Computer Adaptive Test or CAT-ASVAB.

Both are very similar, with only slight variations in the questions.  You are only permitted to have scrap paper and a pencil.  No calculators are allowed.

Studying for the ASVAB can make a huge difference in the score you receive.  Your ASVAB score can affect your entire military career, so it is very important for you to be well prepared.  There are many different study techniques and methods that you can use to make your ASVAB experience better.

Step one is to find a good study resource.  And although there are many publications available to help you, the ASVAB for Dummies book is a great start.

Many websites such as Asvaber, provide you with a comprehensive collection of study tips and techniques.  This website even incorporates a practice ASVAB so you can get acquainted with the type of questions and time frames you will be working against.

The ASVAB can seem overwhelming at first but with a little studying, you can easily pass with the grade you want.  By understanding the type of questions you will encounter, you can begin to prepare yourself.  Below are the subjects you will be tested on.

Arithmetic Reasoning

There are 16-word problems in this section.  You are required to answer these questions in under 39 minutes.

General Science

You have 16 minutes to answer 8 questions that will cover your understanding of chemistry, biology, and physics.

Mathematics Knowledge

There are 16 questions that must be completed in under 20 minutes.  This section covers algebra and geometry.  If you are not good with math, you can do very well on this section by studying.

Mechanical Comprehension

16 questions must be completed in under 20 minutes in this section.  This section tests your understanding of mechanics and physics.  This will include theories such as Newton’s Law of Motion.

Paragraph Comprehension

This section requires you to answer 11 questions in under 22 minutes.  You will be tested on your understanding of the paragraphs provided.

Auto and Shop Information

This section is allotted 7 minutes to answer 11 questions regarding your knowledge of auto parts and systems.  It will also test your knowledge of shop tools.

Vocabulary Knowledge

In 8 minutes you must answer 16 questions.  These questions will require you to pick synonyms out for certain words.  Some will be used in a paragraph, others will be the word by itself.

Electronics Information

This portion of the test consists of 16 questions that must be answered in under 8 minutes.  This section tests your knowledge of concepts such as conductivity and resistance.

It can be difficult for someone who is not familiar with these concepts.  Extra time and focus should be put into mastering this portion.

Assembling Objects

In this section you’ll get 16 questions with a time limit of 16 minutes.  These questions are aimed at testing your ability to assemble objects in your mind.  Pictures of various parts are shown, and you must decide what the correctly assembled version will look like.

Flash cards are another great tool you can use to help you study for the ASVAB.  By doing the proper preparations, you can score high and get the military career you always wanted.   Find a quiet place away from distractions to study and let the information soak in.  Use a study guide like Asvaber to make sure you have a good feel for the time frames each section is required to be completed in.  By doing these easy to follow steps you are guaranteeing yourself better results when studying for the ASVAB.

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