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How Hard Is The ASVAB?

How Hard Is The ASVAB?

Passing the ASVAB test is always the dream of many young and talented individuals. Many of them are always concerned by its difficulty level, some forced to research intensively over the internet to find out about this topic.

Is the ASVAB really difficult? How hard is it to get a high score in the ASVAB test? These are some of the questions that linger in the minds of examinees, but this article will address these questions in the best way possible.

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There is no definite answer that can be stated as to why some people pass the test while majority struggle with it. Education trust bolster of the United States released a report that indicated that nearly 1 out of 4 examinees fail the ASVAB test.

The has raised fears of a frail education system that is producing half-baked graduates who cannot answer basic questions in general science, reading questions and basic mathematics.

The ASVAB is a tool designed to determine your preparedness for the jobs being offered by the military. The test doesn’t test your IQ, just like many other standardized tests. By doing the test you will get to comprehensively understand your aptitude for various jobs and fields in the offing.

Generally, most of the people who find the ASVAB test to be difficult often struggle on other standardized form tests. The test is actually set to be an easy one.

One of the main reason why some people might find this test so difficult is because it’s only offered in the English language, since the official mode of communication in the US army is English. This means that, if you are not a native speaker, you may struggle to answer some sections of the test.

However it’s good to note that the difficulty level is relative. Some people excel at certain topics while others struggle and fail the same topics. The following are some of the reasons people struggle with the ASVAB test:

Poor preparation

If you meet the ASVAB test for the first time in the test room, chances are you will most likely struggle with it. Familiarizing yourself with the test will give you an idea of what to expect. Confidence is always vital for any test, and you can gain it by reviewing the structure of the test prior to the exam date.

Failure to create conducive test environment

If you want to ace the ASVAB test, you must create the right test environment as you prepare. Avoid studying while lying on you bed or in front of your TV, this is a recipe for failure. The US military has a saying ‘train as you fight’, this should encourage you to study as though you are taking the real ASVAB test.

Study in a well lit room, take the ASVAB practice test and time yourself, this method will go a long way in helping you to score high marks in the real test.

Failure to take assessment test

While preparing for the official ASVAB test it is good to identify your weakness and strengths on the test. Take the assessment test to identify your weak points and topics that will require more study time. Take the test before making your study plan, and ensure you address all the weak points that might pull you down and deny you the glorious opportunity.

Failure to address the key subtests

It’s good to identify the subtests that will count most depending on the career you are aiming for. Many people struggle and fail the ASVAB test simply because they put equal weight on all the subtests.

If your goal is just to join the military, concentrate on the word knowledge, mathematics knowledge, arithmetic reasoning and the paragraph comprehension subtest. Scoring high in these tests will give you an upper hand, however don’t neglect the other subtests as they also contribute to the overall score. Spread your study time depending on the importance of the subtest and don’t ignore any single test.


All we can say is the ASVAB test is not as difficult as many people make it out to be. Things get difficult the moment we apply the wrong methods of preparation and fail to create a favorable study plan. If you can strike a balance between the military career of your choice and the study method, then you will easily ace the whole ASVAB test.

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